The following fees may be assessed against your account and the following transaction limitations, if any, apply to your account:
Overdraft Fee Categories. The categories of transactions for which an overdraft fee may be imposed are those by any of the following means: check or draft, in-person withdrawal, ATM withdrawal, or other electronic means.
- Nonsufficient funds (NSF) fee - each returned item/payment $36.00 -- Duplicate
- Dormant account fee $10.00
- Early Account Closing Fee (within 90 days) $25.00
- Account Reconciliation/Research $30.00 per hour
- CD Rom Statement $50.00
- Coin Processing Fee $5 min or 3% of total processed, whichever is higher.
- Collection Fee for customer $35,
- Collection Fee for non-customer $45
- Currency Strap Fee $1.70 per $1,000.00
- Enhanced Image Service Fee $1.00
- Faxed Item Fee $2.00
- Garnishment Processing Fee $75.00
- IRS Levy Processing Fee $75.00
- Hold Mail Fee $10.00 per month
- NetTeller Business iPay Fee $6.95 per month after the first 3 months; First 20 items free per month, $0.35 each additional item.
- Night Deposit Lock Bag $30.00
- Official Check/Money Order Fee $5.00
- Overdraft Item Charge $36.00 If item is $5.00 or less, the fee is $10.00 per item. Consumer Accounts Only.
- Photocopies $1.00 per page
- Chargeback Fee (Return Deposited Item) $20.00
- Redeposited Chargeback Fee $5.00 per item
- Return Mail Fee $10.00 per month
- Safe Deposit Box Drill Market Cost
- Safe Deposit Box Late Fee (30-day grace period) $10.00
- Safe Deposit Box Lost Key $25.00
- Special Statement Fee $7.00
- Stop Payment Fee $36.00
- Stop Payment Fee via NetTeller $20.00
- Telephone Transfer Fee $3.00 per transfer
- Mastercard Debit/ATM Card Replacement Fee $5.00 - Rush Ordered Fee $50.00
- Wire Transfer Fees - Domestic $30.00 Outgoing; $20.00 Incoming
- Wire Transfer Fees - Foreign $90.00 Outgoing; $30.00 Incoming
- Wire Transfer Confirmation Page $3.00
- Wire Return Fee $25.00
- Zipper Bag Fee $5.00
- NetTeller Business Cash Management Services Initial One-Time Setup Fee$30.00;
- Security Token $1.00 per month per user;
- Security Token Replacement Fee $12.00;
- ACH Origination $10.00 per Batch and $0.12 per Item;
- $0.12 per ACH Return Item/Notifications;
- Mandatory Annual NACHA Regulations $40.00;
- Outgoing Wire Transfer Fee $25.00;
- Incoming Wire Transfer Fee $15.00;
- Positive Pay Per Exception Violation Fee $2.00
- Business Lock Box Service $125.00 per month, Per Item/Image $0.25,
- Specially Handled/Refused Item $0.25;
- Post Office Box Rental at Cost
- Business Commercial Capture $50.00 per month; $0.10 per Deposited Item
*Fee applies to overdrafts created by check, in-person withdrawal, ATM withdrawal or other electronic means.
Fees as of 12/18/2024 - Subject to Change